Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Tennis Shoes

As many of you know I have been trying to exercise. All summer I have been faithful at using my eliptical, most weeks daily. I had always heard that after a while it gets easier and you really want to do this. However, this was not the case for me. It was really hard for me to get through a 30 minute routine. So my personnel trainer, Summer, suggested that I alternate eliptical/walking. I think she called it crossed training. Monday I did the eliptical and Tuesday I WALKED (not ran) around my neighborhood. Wednesday my legs and buttocks were so sore I could hardly walk. I went ahead and did the eliptical which did not bother me as much. I called my trainer to complain about the soreness in my legs and butt. She suggested new tennis shoes. Thus, THE NEW TENNIS SHOES. I tried them out today hoping that this will do the trick and remove some of this soreness. Life without house guest is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting. I think I will go dust the furniture now. Ha Ha.


sara jackson said...

Glad you got new shoes. Walking in your neighborhood is TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can get you a pair of MVT's for your birthday! They are supposedly the best. LOVE, Bren

MJN6 said...

What are MVT'S???

ma said...

How much does your trainer charge. She sounds like a great one. LOVE YOU ma

Summer said...

You've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! These are my EXACT shoes. :-) Glad you finally got some new shoes. It will do you good!!

The Holtons said...

Isn't it nice to have your own personal trainer?