You know things are rather quiet around my house and there is plenty of time for pondering. Some of this is done on my eliptical. I would like to share some of my pondering thoughts...
*First of all my eliptical machine is located upstairs and unless I get up, go upstairs and actually get on my eliptical it will not do me any good whatsoever. My Bible is located on my night stand and unless I get up, open and read it, it will not do me any good either.

*Here is a picture of one of my routines. It has some easy parts and some that are not so easy. The more difficult parts make me stronger physically. The more diffcult times in life make me stronger spiritually.
*The routine I am working on now is 30 minutes. Sometimes I get on and I start pedaling fast, thinking the faster I pedal the faster I will get finished but it is 30 minutes no matter how fast I pedal. In fact, when I get to the hard parts if I am still pedaling fast a flashing light will come on and say, SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN! How very true with life...when things get difficult in life we need to SLOW DOWN, be still and seek God's wisdom.
*In order to get through the more difficult parts of my exercise routine I have to take one part at a time. I can't focus on what is still left to do or I become overwhelmed. Sound familiar... One day at a time or maybe even one hour at a time on somedays.
*Most of the time I hold onto the movable handles to get the full benefit but sometimes I need to lean on the stationary handles just to get through the more difficult part. Ever need to lean on someone during the tough times?? I sure do and I am thankful for all of you who so graciously let me lean, who listen to me, who encourage me, who hold me up when I cannot stand alone.
*Everyone's life has its ups and downs. You may look at someone and think, "Boy, they sure have it all together," only to find out later they have struggles, too.
These are just a few things I have learned from my eliptical.
And here are a few verses that I have found that have blessed me...
Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. Psalms 62:8
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25
But I will call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me. Psalms 55:16-18