Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thank God I have His direction to lead me all the way home!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
"WOW 2008"
Since Monday of this week, we have been enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of
the beautiful Gulf of Mexico.
We have talked, listened, prayed, cried, and laughed together. The time has been a blessing to all three of us and we are so thankful for each other.
After this time of relaxation and reflection we made
3 decisions:
This decision was made after we realized how much we enjoyed our time together. In reflection, we realized that we should have set aside time to be together when we were raising our families. Thus, we want this to be special for the women in our family with or without children.
The Theme for our 2009 F-18s weekend is:
experience for everyone who attends.
POC-Brenda or DOHDOH
We will continue to have our annual camp-out at Deep Creek which will include a Photo Scavenger Hunt with CASH PRIZES.
(Potential family members must still pass the test!)
Looking for a volunteer to plan and organize meals and also someone to design and print T-shirts for this occasion.
POC-Brenda or DohDoh
February 22, 2008
After visiting some of our old landmarks including Daphine Island, we visited with some old friend
On Sunday we went to the church where we were baptized. They had torn down the old sanctuary to make room for the new one, but the old nursery building where we stayed in the nursery, is still standing. The weather really got nasty right after church so we hurried into the Atlanta Bread Company for a bowl of soup and a sandwich. We scrambled to get into the car without getting blown away and soaked to the bone and get back to Christopher's apartment. The the rain soon let up a little and we headed to the final stop of our Walk Down Memory Lane.
This is “Rainer’s Roost” but affectionately known as
It was and still is located on Mobile Bay,
despite the pounding of many hurricanes.
Our visit took us back to many summer vacations spent…….
Playing with Cousins
Catching Alligators on Cane Poles
Surfing on a plywood surf board
Tubing behind Papa’s boat
Shrimping in Papa’s boat
Frying and Shelling those shrimp
Dropping live crabs in boiling water to cook them for dinner
Anticipating Jubilees
Climbing up the steps to the porch
Sitting on the Porch Watching storms come across the bay
Swinging on the Porch
Shooting snakes from the porch
Napping in the breeze
Peeling after too much sun
Baby Powderings by Granny after a hot bath
Walking out to the pole to find out how high the tied was
Playing in the slew
AND……Listening to the frogs and gators at night!A Walk Down Memory Lane
We could write a very long detailed description of our week together, but we decided it might be best to condense the events into an outline of such. Our walk down memory lane in Mobile, the place of our birth and early childhood years, triggered many pleasant thoughts from the past.
Thanks to our husbands, who patiently endured our walk!
This is a picture of the first house Papa and Ma built with the help of our Papa Rainer. It took six months and was completely paid for when we moved into the house. I (Brenda) was six weeks old; Ma & Papa were 19 & 20.
This is the second house that Papa and Ma built. It was also paid for when we moved into it. I, Mary Jo, was 3 years old and Brenda was in 1st grade. We walked to school everyday, often meeting our cousins at the corner.

Here is a picture of the elementary school we attended.
This is a picture of the big Oak tree that grew in the middle of the street on which the two houses were built. We both learned to ride our bicycles on this street and can remember riding around and around this huge tree.
This is a picture of the house where our Granny and Papa Rainer lived which was located down the hill and around the curve from our house.

We both have fond memories of the many hours we spent playing in this yard, swinging on the porch swing, wading in the water that flow ed down the drainage ditch on rainy days, sliding down the banister, drinking icy bottled cokes on the back porch, climbing in the pear tree, eating Granny’s chocolate cake and ice cream in front of the fire place, and aggravating our Papa when he was napping.
This is Uncle Bob and Aunt Aubrey’s house where Cheri and Debbie lived. It was just across the street from Granny’s house located on Dog River, where we fished, swam, and learned to ski. The backyard was the location of many birthday celebrations, Easter egg hunts, and family gatherings around the swimming pool. This pool was dug my hand with a shovel by Papa Rainer and Uncle Bob. The memories of iced tea, Brunswick stew and Aunt Aubrey’s burnt okra still make our mouths water. The stew was made from vegetables taken out of Granny’s freezer. She emptied it every summer to make room for fresh vegetables bought from the Farmer’s Market. Our job was to shell and shuck. Often the stew was followed by a gallon of hand-cranked homemade ice cream, frozen peaches, and a slice of one of Granny’s delicious cakes. To earn dessert, our job was to sit on top of the churn to keep it still while someone turned the crank. (To Be Continued)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
1) I was a PE major in college until I made a D in basketball (The teacher I had was Pat Head Summit's basketball coach)Just think what I could have been if she had just worked with me a little bit!!!!!
2) I have been baptized 3 times - when I was 6, 18, and 27 -just wanted to make sure I was covered!!!
3) I actually wore a bridesmaid's dress to a prom.
4) I have always wanted to be a physical therapist.
5) My dad paid less than $100 for my first car-the doors opened up from the front-it was called the Flying Renault.